Saturday, August 14, 2010

One week until departure!

I've got only one week (although in a few minutes it will be a mere six days) left in Canada before I leave on this exciting journey to Ecuador. There is so much I want to say and so few words with which to say it! I've been wanting to go on exchange for years, I've been accepted into the Rotary program since October, I've known I'm going to Ecuador since April, and I've had an official countdown going for a few months. I believe when I first started said countdown the number of days was just over a hundred. That now there are only six I can hardly fathom.

I just finished the seemingly insurmountable task of packing and I am frankly shocked that I was able to narrow down my entire wardrobe to a single suitcase (albeit possibly the largest one ever manufactured). I'm proud of myself! And I'm hoping that living in Ecuador will help me learn to live with less. Actually seeing all of the things I own (and don't wear or use on a regular basis) has made me seriously evaluate myself as a consumer. I have an entire second suitcase devoted to Canada paraphernalia - coffee table books, pins, maple syrup and the like. I'm actually more concerned about this second suitcase because the contents are heavier than clothing and each of my two suitcases has a 50 lb. weight limit.

I've known for awhile now that I'll be going to a Spanish-learning/orientation camp in my first few weeks, but just recently I found out the exact details. On the 8th of September, I'll be making my way up into the Andes to beautiful Cuenca for the camp! All of the Rotary exchange students in southern Ecuador (and there are SO many) will be there, and I'm really looking forward to meeting all these people with whom I've connected over facebook in real life. I'm also excited just to see Cuenca, which is known as the most beautiful city in Ecuador.

Right now I'm just incredibly excited, and the fact that this time next week I'll be living and breathing in South America does not even feel real. This will probably be my last post as an outbound. I hope all my friends and family in Canada have a wonderful year filled with love and happiness. I will miss you all greatly.

Con Amor!


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